Friday, April 29, 2011

First of May - International Workers' Day

Most of you who have found your way here are likely familiar with the history of May Day.  I'll post some thoughts on our important holiday a bit later, but wanted to share a few rare photographs of past May Day demonstrations held here in the Flour City.

The Original Vikings Football Team in Minnesota

And no, there was no Norm Van Brocklin to be found coaching this Vikings football team.  And we're not talking about the early-60s and a son of a Pentecostal Methodist minister scrambling his way around opponents.

Let me introduce the Vikings, one of Minneapolis' first association football teams.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Outrage at the Bernabéu (but not of the sort you're hearing about)!

Haven't seen any figures yet on the viewing numbers for yesterday's Champions League match between Real Madrid and Bacelona, but one can assume millions and millions around the world tuned in to what turned out to be an outrageous first leg tie.